British designer Lloyd Cowdry was schooled as an industrial designer at Kingston University in London and has worked for Jasper Morrison in Japan and UK, since 2006. With a keen eye for both design intent and quality control, Cowdry’s practice combines a technical and an aesthetic culture in interiors as well as homewares.
"The target for my design work is always for the product to perform its purpose as well as it possibly can. This is in terms of its practical functionality, as well as it having the character and charm that -one hopes- will make the product a joy for people to include as part of their lives."
"I have been very fortunate to have worked for Jasper Morrison, and to have had the close guidance of John Tree for many years, both of whom have been a massive influence for which I owe a huge debt of gratitude. Over the years they have helped me develop and hone my understanding of the subtleties involved in design, including how micro adjustments and modifications to a products form can have a huge impact on the warmth and personality that the final product takes on."